Hook-and-Line License for Sale

The following is a list of Registered Commercial Fishermen who wish to purchase a commercial hook-and-line license. Fishermen, who currently hold an active commercial hook-and-line license and wish to sell, may contact those listed.

DISCLAIMER: The persons selling and purchasing licenses are responsible for their own terms and conditions. The VMRC will not participate in any negotiations between the two parties. The regulation (4 VAC 20-995-10 et seq.) is not intended to create any property right in anyone, and the Commission reserves the right to change this regulation at any time it deems it necessary because of biological conditions, and to change the regulation in all other respects at any time it deems it necessary to carry out its statutory mission. Click to view 4 VAC 20-995-10 et seq., "Pertaining to Commercial Hook-and-Line Fishing".

Any person licensed for commercial hook and line may transfer such license to any registered commercial fisherman, provided that the transferee shall have documented, through the Commission's mandatory harvest reporting program, the sale of at least 1000 pounds of seafood during the course of the previous two years. Transfer of licenses between family members shall be exempt form this requirement. No commercial hook-and-line license shall be transferred more than once per calendar year.

The physical transfer of the license must be approved by the Marine Resources Commission. When you are ready to proceed with the physical transfer of the license call (757) 247-2248, for information on how to proceed with the legal transfer.

The names are not listed in any particular order:

Wish to purchase a commercial hook-and-line license

Mitchell C, Bundick
(757) 678-9045 678-3974
wish to purchase a commercial hook and line license

added February15, 2007
John Augustine
804 740 3528
804 938 4427 cell
wish to purchase a commercial hook and line license

added February 12, 2007
Kelly Capps
Wish to purchase commercial hook and line liscense

added August 10, 2006
Woodrow W. Malone
410-726-5045 cell
Wish to purchase commercial hook and line license; ready anytime, quick transaction

added May 21, 2008

If you are a VA registered commercial fisherman and wish to be added to this list, E-mail the information you wish to post to andy.mcneil@mrc.virginia.gov . You must include your 10 digit commercial registration number (it will NOT be posted). Other lists exist, so please indicate that you wish to be added to the hook-and-line list in the message.

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