Marine Resources Commission Regulation Index

IMPORTANT: The following table contains links to the full text of the current regulations established by the VMRC. Copies of each regulation can be found by clicking on the regulation number (plain text version) or on the regulation title (scanned version with signature). The regulation texts provided below are not legal copies of the regulations. Please request certified copies from the VMRC if you need a copy of a regulation for legal purposes. If you would like to know more about the regulatory process or get to links leading to statutes related to the Commission, click here. The texts of our regulations have been provided for reference only; summaries of current restrictions have also been posted and are much easier to understand than the underlying regulations. The regulation summaries are available at the following links:

The Registrar of Regulations also maintains searchable databases of regulations and statutes. Click on links below to access key word search pages on the Registrar web page.

Administrative Code of Virginia Regulation Search Database ]     [ Code of Virginia Statute Search Database ]



4 VAC 20-60-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Display of License to Catch Finfish or Crabs 08/01/1995
4 VAC 20-610-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Commercial Fishing and Mandatory Harvest Reporting 01/01/2022
4 VAC 20-670-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Recreational Gear Licenses 07/05/2019
4 VAC 20-730-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Nonresident Harvesters License Fee 12/01/2005
4 VAC 20-754-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Importation of Fish, Shellfish or Crustacea 12/10/2021
4 VAC 20-920-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Landing Licenses 09/01/2020
4 VAC 20-1045-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Areas 10/01/2004
4 VAC 20-1050-10 ET SEQ. Restricted area at Huntington Ingalls Industries/Newport News Shipbuilding Company 07/26/2011
4 VAC 20-1060-10 ET SEQ. Restricted area at Dominion Power/Nuclear Power Station 02/01/2011
4 VAC 20-1065-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Area - Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge Range 02/01/2005
4 VAC 20-1090-10 ET SEQ.

Pertaining to Licensing Requirements and License Fees

4 VAC 20-1170-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to requirements related to the purchase of fish, from the catcher 12/01/2008
4 VAC20-1240-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Fisherman Identification Program 03/01/2012
4 VAC20-1280-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Fishing License and Privilege Revocations 05/01/2015
4 VAC20-1320-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Establishment of Restricted Area - Maritime Administration James River Reserve Fleet 06/30/2016
Section § 28.2-232 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to revoke the licenses and fishing privileges of a person who has violated certain laws for a period of up to five years. Guidelines on the Scope of License and Privilege Revocation orders made by the Commission 01/16/2020
4 VAC 20-70-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Harvesting of Clams 07/01/2015
4 VAC 20-100-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Taking of Clams on Seaside of Eastern Shore 08/01/1995
4 VAC 20-230-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Harvesting of Surf Clams 12/01/2005
4 VAC 20-560-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Shellfish Management Areas 08/01/2015
4 VAC 20-561-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Hampton Flats Hard Clam Harvest Area 08/16/2001
4 VAC 20-566-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Hampton Roads Shellfish Relay Area 08/01/2006
4 VAC 20-590-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Taking of Hard Clams 04/14/1995
4 VAC 20-140-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Identification and Location of Crab Pots, Peeler Pots, Eel pots and Fish Pots 07/05/2024
4 VAC 20-240-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Tangier Island Crab Scrape Sanctuary 07/01/2018
4 VAC 20-270-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Blue Crab Fishery 11/01/2024
4 VAC 20-370-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Culling of Crabs 06/01/2015
4 VAC 20-460-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Use of Crab Traps and Pounds 07/05/2016
4 VAC 20-700-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Crab Pots 03/01/2009
4 VAC 20-752-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Blue Crab Sanctuaries 05/01/2018
4 VAC 20-880-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Hard Crab Pot Limits 06/01/2009
4 VAC 20-1040-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining To Commercial Crab Fishery Licenses 07/05/2019
4 VAC 20-1310-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Jonah Crab 03/01/2020
4 VAC 20-10-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Fishing in Broad & Linkhorn Bays 08/01/1995
4 VAC 20-20-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Licensing of Fixed Fishing Devices 04/01/2015
4 VAC 20-25-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Pound Net Siting Public Interest Review 12/01/2004
4 VAC 20-80-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Setting of Fishing Devices Proximate to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel 07/29/2005
4 VAC 20-170-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Removal of Nets 05/01/2005
4 VAC 20-190-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Measuring Mesh Size of Menhaden Nets 08/01/1995
4 VAC 20-220-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Taking of Finfish by Gill Nets 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-252-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Atlantic Striped Bass 01/01/2025
4 VAC 20-280-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Speckled Trout 09/01/2021
4 VAC 20-320-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Taking of Black Drum 09/01/2018
4 VAC 20-350-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Prohibiting the Sale of Billfish 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-380-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Grey Trout (Weakfish) 04/01/2021
4 VAC 20-430-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Marking and Minimum Mesh Size of Gill Nets 01/01/2012
4 VAC 20-450-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Taking of Bluefish 03/01/2022
4 VAC 20-470-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Hampton Roads Management Area 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-480-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Eastern Shore Bayside Management Areas 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-490-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Sharks
Shark Identification PDF
4 VAC 20-500-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Catching of Eels 09/01/2018
4 VAC 20-510-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Amberjack and Cobia 06/01/2024
4 VAC 20-530-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to American Shad 03/01/2013
4 VAC 20-540-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Spanish and King Mackerel 09/01/2020
4 VAC 20-550-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Removal of Gill Nets and Other Non-Fixed Finfishing Gear 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-570-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Use of Firearms to Take Fish 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-580-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Alteration of Finfish 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-600-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Pound Net License Sales 06/26/1997
4 VAC 20-620-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Summer Flounder 04/01/2024
4 VAC 20-680-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Gill Nets 04/14/1995
4 VAC 20-740-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Snagging of Fish 10/01/2024
4 VAC 20-751-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Setting and Mesh Size of Gill Nets 03/01/2021
4 VAC 20-755-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Artificial Reefs 09/01/2007
4 VAC 20-910-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Scup (Porgy) 05/01/2022
4 VAC 20-950-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Black Sea Bass 05/01/2024
4 VAC 20-960-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Tautog 02/01/2024
4 VAC 20-970-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Spadefish 01/01/2002
4 VAC 20-995-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Commercial Hook-and-Line Fishing 03/01/2020
4 VAC 20-1070-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Haul Seines 08/28/2009
4 VAC 20-1080-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Monkfish (Goosefish) 05/01/2005
4 VAC 20-1110-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Sheepshead 05/01/2007
4 VAC 20-1120-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Tilefish and Groupers 02/01/2024
4 VAC 20-1180-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining To Fishing Guides, Charter Boat, And Head Boat Fisheries 03/01/2022
4 VAC 20-1190-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Gill Net Control Date, Limited Entry, and Transfers 01/01/2010
4 VAC 20-1220-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Separation Between Nets 09/01/2009
4 VAC 20-1260-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to River Herring 03/29/2012
4 VAC 20-1270-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden 06/30/2024
4 VAC 20-1360-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Commercial Electrofishing 03/01/2025
4 VAC 20-1370-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Atlantic Croaker 04/15/2021
4 VAC 20-1380-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Spot 04/15/2021
4 VAC 20-1400-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Red Drum 09/01/2021
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Guidance 08/22/2017
Wetlands Guidelines 05/25/2021
4 VAC 20-120-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Promulgation of a Public Notice on Applications to Encroach In, On, or Over Subaqueous Lands of the Commonwealth 11/01/2017
4 VAC 20-333-10 ET SEQ. General Permit VGP #1 for Projects undertaken by the Virginia Department of Transportation In, On or Over State-Owned Subaqueous Lands Anywhere Within the Commonwealth. 07/06/1999
General Permit VGP #2 for groin projects designed to control shoreline erosion, which conforms to certain criteria and are undertaken by riparian owners in, on or over state-owned bottom. 1985
4 VAC 20-335-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to On-Bottom Shellfish Aquaculture Activities 01/01/2016
4 VAC 20-336-10 ET SEQ. General Permit VGP #3 for Noncommercial Riparian Shellfish Growing (I.E. "Gardening") Activities 01/01/1998
4 VAC 20-337-10 ET SEQ Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Transplantation Guidelines 11/01/2000
4 VAC 20-345-10 ET SEQ. VGP #4 General Wetlands Permit for Emergency Situations 03/01/1998
4 VAC 20-360-10 ET SEQ. Criteria for the Siting of Marinas or Community Facilities for Boat Mooring 06/07/1988
4 VAC 20-390-10 ET SEQ. Wetlands Mitigation-Compensation Policy 02/01/2025
4 VAC 20-391-10 ET SEQ. Guidelines for the Establishment, Use and Operation of Tidal Wetland Mitigation Banks in Virginia 01/01/1998
4 VAC 20-395-10 ET SEQ. GENERAL PERMIT #6 FOR Emergency Situations and Water Quality Improvement Projects in non-tidal waterways. 06/30/2009
4 VAC 20-398-10 ET SEQ. Ballast Water Discharge Reporting 11/01/2001
4 VAC 20-400-10 ET SEQ. Criteria for the Placement of Sandy Dredged Material along Beaches in the Commonwealth 08/02/1989
4 VAC 20-440-10 ET SEQ. Coastal Primary Sand Dune / Beaches Guidelines: Barrier Island Policy 10/24/1990
Coastal Primary Sand Dunes Beaches Guidelines 09/01/1993
4 VAC 20-1030-10 ET SEQ. Management Plan for the Ungranted State Lands in Accomack and Northampton Counties 03/15/1999
4 VAC 20-1300-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Living Shoreline Group 1 General Permit for Certain Living Shoreline Treatments Involving Tidal Wetlands 09/01/2015
4 VAC 20-1330-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Living Shoreline Group 2 General Permit for Certain Living Shoreline Treatments Involving Submerged Lands, Tidal Wetlands, or Coastal Primary Sand Dunes and Beaches 11/01/2017
4 VAC 20-1340-10 ET SEQ. Fast-Track Permitting Program For Disposal Of Dredged Material 06/01/2019
4 VAC 20-1410-10 ET SEQ. Utility Line Encroachments Beneath or Over State-Owned Subaqueous Beds 11/01/2023
Subaqueous Guidelines 10/28/2023
Rent and Royalty Schedule 12/01/2005
Guidance for Civil Charge Assessments Pursant §28.2-1213 Code of Virginia 03/27/2012
  Resolution by the VMRC Board interpreting §28.2-1203.A.5(iv) relating to private piers and navigational hazards 11/23/2004
4 VAC 20-260-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Designation of Seed Areas and Clean Cull Areas 12/13/2017
4 VAC 20-290-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Marking of Leased Oyster Planting Ground 01/01/2016
4 VAC 20-650-10 ET SEQ. Establishment of Oyster Sanctuary Areas 10/01/2016
4 VAC 20-720-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Restrictions on Oyster Harvest 10/01/2024
4 VAC 20-1350-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining To General Oyster Planting Ground Lease Renewal Fee  03/28/2024
  Guidelines document describing policies and procedures of the Commission related to the review, and subsequent renewal, or denial of oyster planting grounds pursuant to 28.2-613 of the Code of Virginia 04/01/2021
4 VAC 20-110-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Lobsters 03/01/2020
4 VAC 20-130-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Prohibited Areas for the Use of Patent Tongs 08/01/1995
4 VAC 20-150-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Dredging of Conchs (Also known as Whelks) 01/01/2008
4 VAC 20-310-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Relaying of Shellfish 03/01/2007
4 VAC 20-330-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Taking of Shellfish from Condemned Areas 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-410-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Use of Patent Tongs 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-520-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Use of Patent Tongs 07/01/1995
4 VAC 20-890-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Channeled Whelk 04/01/2019
4 VAC 20-900-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Horseshoe Crab 05/01/2016
4 VAC 20-1010-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Dredging in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 01/30/1998
4 VAC 20-1020-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Bay Scallops 02/01/1999
4 VAC 20-1100-10 ET SEQ.  Pertaining to Shellfish Handling 07/01/2006
4 VAC 20-1130-10 ET SEQ. General Permit #4 for Temporary Protective Enclosures for Shellfish 12/01/2007
4 VAC 20-1230-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Restrictions on Shellfish 01/01/2022
4 VAC 20-1250-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to the Tagging of Shellfish 10/01/2021
4 VAC 20-1290-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Restrictions on the Harvest of Shellfish in Condemned Shellfish Areas 04/01/2024
4 VAC 20-1390-10 ET SEQ. Pertaining to Shrimp 06/01/2022
4 VAC 20-1150-10 ET SEQ. Repealed

Pertaining to Charter Boat and Head Boat Fisheries

4 VAC 20-30-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to the Licensing of Crab Traps and Pounds 07/05/2016
4 VAC 20-40-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to Crab Catch Limits 04/30/2008
4 VAC 20-90-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to Dredging for Crabs 04/30/2008
4 VAC 20-300-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to Crab Catch Limits 11/27/2012
4 VAC 20-420-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to the Use of Trawls in the Territorial Sea 08/01/2021
4 VAC 20-750-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to Crab Dredge License Sales 04/30/2008
4 VAC 20-770-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Piankatank River Management Area 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-780-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Patent Tong Restrictions 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-790-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Open Public Oyster Rocks, Pocomoke Sound 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-810-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Opening of John East Turn and Poynter Rocks and Closing Beaseley Bay Rock and Deep Creek Channel, Buoy No.7 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-830-10 ET SEQ. Repealed A Change in the Oyster Cull Size for Oysters Harvested from Russ Rock, Rappahannock River 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-850-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Expansion of the Jail Island Clean Cull Area 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-860-10 ET SEQ. Repealed A Change in the Oyster Cull Size for Oysters Harvested from Little Carters Rock, Rappahannock River 12/31/2023
4 VAC 20-980-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to On-Shore Loading and Unloading of Shellfish from Condemned Areas 03/01/2024
4 VAC 20-1140-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Prohibition of Crab Dredging in Virginia Waters 07/05/2024
4 VAC 20-1200-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to the Special Relay Season in the Rappahannock River 03/01/2024
4 VAC 20-1210-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to a Blue Crab Sanctuary 11/30/2012
RESCINDED JULY 6, 2006 Private Pier Guidance Criteria 11/2005
4 VAC 20-200-10 ET SEQ. Repealed Pertaining to the Requirements for Reporting Oyster Transactions and Payment of Taxes 07/01/2013
Page updated: 1:02 PM Friday, February 28, 2025
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