The Westmoreland State Park Fishing Pier improvements were completed in 2001. The project received $20,000 from the VSRFDF. The ramp is handicapped accessible and is open to all Park users. This pier is NOT covered by a blanket pier license, so anglers, 16 and older, need to purchase their own saltwater fishing license (VA, PRFC, or MD). For licensing questions, you can review the PRFC website . Anglers fishing this pier often catch croaker, spot, white perch, and striped bass. The site is also a good spot for crabbing. The Park offers restroom facilities and a snack bar (seasonal). Boat ramps at the Park provide access to the upper and middle Potomac River.
From Fredericksburg: From I-95, take Route 3 east, go about 40 miles to the Park's entrance. Turn left onto Route 347. Follow Park signs for the boat ramp.
From Tappahannock: Take US 360 east to Warsaw. Turn left onto Route 3 west at the second stop light. Stay on this road about six miles past Montross. Turn right into the Park's entrance on Route 347. Follow Park signs for the boat ramp.
From Richmond: Take US 360 east, then follow Tappahannock directions.
From Gloucester: Take US 17 north to Tappahannock. At the second light, past Lowrey's Restaurant, turn right onto US 360 east, then follow Tappahannock directions.
Westmoreland State Park
1650 State Park Road
Montross, VA 22520-9717
Phone (804) 493-8821